Monday, June 1, 2020

Introduction: Trisha Crowe and the Build Newcrest Challenge

The very first TS4-challenge in a brand new blog! How exciting!

Welcome to the fair Newcrest, home and playground of the Crowe family!

I got the inspiration to start my own #BuildNewcrest legacy challenge, and it resulted to the Crowes. BNC is a challenge created by Simply Vanilla Sims, and you can find the rules here (also check out the original thread on TS Forums by ShadyLady_DQ). I have already started this legacy in my own mother tongue elsewhere, so if you rather read the chapters in Finnish, you can find the blog here. Otherwise, take a seat, have your popcorn ready, and enjoy the ups and downs of my poor sims!

(Or at least they start as poor...)

A couple of words of how I play:
  • I mostly try to stick to the original rules, even though I have all the EP's and GP's.
  • However, as I wasn't aware of the normal Legacy Challenge rules for TS4, I think I made a mistake as I started and moved my matriarch to the neighbourhood, as I didn't use the money cheat to reduce the funds to 1800 or 0. But on the other hand, I have subtracted the value of the community lots from the family's funds, so I decided that settles that. And besides, that issue is never specified in the BNC rules.
  • I choose the heir myself, and my choice is based on their traits (whoever has the most suitable traits for the next generation goal).
  • I mostly follow the Game-Driven playstyle. I play and observe my sims' actions, take pictures and write texts based on that. However, I may occasionally get a story idea too good to overlook, then I take the matters to my own hands for a while. 
  • As my game is not in English, some of the NPC's and townies may have some weird-sounding names to you! It will get better later on, because I have the mod which gives all the new townies English names, but it doesn't impact already existing townies, so there's that. And because of that I may make some errors while translating some specific things, so I apologize in advance! Feel free to correct me if that happens!
Finally, to the point. Meet the first gen founder, Trisha Crowe.

As the founder sim, Trisha's aspiration is of course Freelance Botanist. Her traits are Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, and Vegetarian. As she heard the plans made for Newcrest, she didn't hesitate as she volunteered to be one of the first residents. Any option was better than to be stuck in some shack in Oasis Springs and sleep one eye open, knife under the pillow. Newcrest offered hope for the better future, and she would proudly do her part to make these great visions into reality.

Only time will tell if Trisha and her offspring succeed, or if something goes wrong somewhere along the path...

Now I'll step aside and let Trisha speak for herself!


  1. I love me a Build Newcrest challenge 😊 I don't think they necessarily have to start with nothing like in an actual legacy, I'm pretty sure the BN challenge creator was forgiving in that aspect. I like your approach to playing/writing too, that's what I did when I did the challenge 😊

    1. Well, that's good to hear! I thought about that too, because as I said, that issue is not specified in the rules :D It would have been maybe more interesting though, but oh well. Thank you! Yes I remember you describing that, I've read the Bloomers and really enjoyed them! They kind of inspired me with this too. (I was the one commenting so suddenly years after you completed the challenge lol :D)

    2. Aah cool! Then you know over the passing generations things kind of took a course of their own haha - I'm curious to see how you'll be finding it as the generational goals go on (I always thought the first half of the goals was better than the second, maybe because my sims never go to lounges 😁). Definitely looking forward to seeing how Trisha and her progeny shape Newcrest!

    3. Haha I'm curious too! Yeah, the idea of the lounges is kinda weird. Couldn't it just be a bar? :D I would love to include some of the new community lot types to the challenge too, but I want to stick to the original rules this round. Maybe after this I'll start a new one with modified rules! Thank you!


Introduction: Trisha Crowe and the Build Newcrest Challenge

The very first TS4-challenge in a brand new blog! How exciting! Welcome to the fair Newcrest, home and playground of the Crowe family! ...